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Serving Idaho & Wyoming

 IDAHO  208-521-4235

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MONTANA  406-561-8414 

Squirrel Control

Squirrels Can Be Cute, But... They Can Cause A Lot of Damage


  Known for their adorable demeanor and friendly attitudes, squirrels can become some of your biggest enemies when they take up residence in your home. Squirrels will tear up your walls and attic and leave droppings, and their food all over, creating a mess to clean up.  

Why Us?


  As experienced trappers, we have the proper techniques and equipment to handle wildlife in safe, humane and effective ways that will leave you feeling safe and secure in your home. 

Common Mistakes A Homeowner Makes


   One mistake homeowners should avoid is the idea that a squirrel has left and the homeowner seals the hole the squirrels have been using to enter and exit. Unfortunately, this can cause even more problems if a squirrel is trapped inside.